have an eyeful

英 美
  • 好好看一下,看个够
  • an art.(用在元音音素前)一
  • eyeful n.满眼;满眶;引人注目的东西
  • have aux.已经vt.有;吃;得到;从事;允许;雇用;享有n.[常用复数]富人,有产者,有钱人;富国
    1. You know, You can, you can have good old practice on your own.
    2. Every time I pass the concierge's window and catch the full icy impact of her glance I have an insane desire to throttle all the birds in creation.
    3. I have feasted my eyes on her form, her bearing.
    4. We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer's speed and skill.